Kimberly Ray, PhD is a Research Scientist working in the Cognitive Neuroscience lab under the direction of Dr. David Schnyer. She earned a bachelors degree in physics from Texas Lutheran University, and a PhD in Radiological Sciences with an emphasis on human neuroimaging from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California in Davis under the direction of Dr. Cameron Carter.
Her research interests involve using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other imaging modalities to elucidate the functional and structural architecture of the human brain and examine how brain networks flexibly reorganize to efficiently carryout a given goal-directed task.
1) Ray KL, Lesh T, Howell A, Salo T, Ragland JD, MacDonald A, Gold J, Silverstein S, Barch D, Carter CS. Functional Network Changes and Cognitive Control in Schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical 15, 161-170, 2017.
2) Laird AR, Riedel MC, Okoe M, Jianu R, Ray KL, Eickhoff SB, Smith MS, Fox PT, Sutherland MT. Heterogeneous fractionation profiles of meta-analytic coactivation networks. NeuroImage, 149, 424-435, 2017.
3) Ray KL, Zald DH, Bludau S, Riedel MC, Bzdok D, Yanes J, Falcone KE, Amunts K, Fox PT, Eickhoff SB, Laird AR. Connectivity-based parcellation of the frontal pole. NeuroImage, 123, 200-211, 2015.
4) Riedel MC, Ray KL, Dick AS, Hernandez Z, Fox PM, Eickhoff SB, Fox PT, Laird AR. Intrinsic connectivity and behavioral parcellation of the human cerebellum through meta-analytic modeling. NeuroImage, 117, 327-342, 2015.
5) Laird AR, Riedel MC, Sutherland MT, Eickhoff SB, Ray KL, Uecker AM, Fox PM, Turner JA, Fox PT. Neural architecture underlying classification of face perception paradigms. NeuroImage, 119, 70-80, 2015.
6) Sutherland MT, Ray KL, Riedel MC, Yanes JA, Stein EA, Laird AR. Neurofunctional impact of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor stimulation: An ALE meta-analysis of pharmacological neuroimaging studies. Biological Psychiatry, 78(10), 711-720, 2015.
7) Zald DH, McHugo M, Ray KL, Glahn DC, Eickhoff SB. Laird AR. Meta-analytic connectivity modeling reveals differential functional connectivity of the medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Cereb Cortex, 24(1), 232-248, 2013.
8) Laird AR, Eickhoff SB, Rottschy C, Bzdok D, Ray KL, Fox PT. Networks of task co-activations. NeuroImage, 80, 505 – 514, 2013.
9) Laird AR, Fox PM, Eickhoff SB, Turner JA, Ray KL, McKay DR, Glahn DC, Beckmann CF, Smith SM, Fox PT. Behavioral interpretations of intrinsic connectivity networks. J Cogn Neurosci, 23, 4022 – 4037 2011.
10) Laird AR, Robinson JL, McMillan KM, Tordesillas-Gutierrez D, Moran ST, Gonzales Flagmeier SM, Ray KL, Franklin C, Glahn DC, Fox PT, Lancaster JL. Comparison of the disparity between Talairach and MNI coordinates in functional neuroimaging data: Validation of the Lancaster transform. Neuroimage 51, 677 –683, 2010.
Book Chapters
1) Ray KL, Laird AR. Web networks, meta-analysis, and databasing. Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Article ID: 348607, Chapter ID: 542, Springer Reference, 2013.
2) Riedel MC, Ray KL, Fox PM, Uecker A, Eickhoff SB, Fox PT, Laird AR. BrainMap. Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Article ID: 348551, Chapter ID: 486, Springer Reference, 2013.